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Going on Vacation Sept 12-17

Sad family sits outside a run down shack in rain.

Important News: We’re Taking a Break!

After years of dedicated service to our coin-loving community, we’ve finally decided to do the unthinkable… we’re going on vacation! Yes, you read that right. From September 12th to September 17th, the store will be closed as my family and I embark on a much-needed retreat to a cozy cabin by a lake. Picture this: nature, relaxation, and (probably) at least three trips back home because, let’s be real—I’m definitely going to forget something crucial. Sunscreen? Check. Bug spray? Check. My entire wallet? Uh-oh.

But before you worry about our shop, rest assured—it’s locked down tighter than Fort Knox! With 24-hour video surveillance and a next-level alarm systems, we’ve made sure that even thinking about breaking in is a terrible idea. Bad guys, don’t even bother—we’ll see you long before you see the inside!

Now, back to the fun part. We’re going to fully embrace cabin life: no coins, no schedules (maybe I’ll even hide the wi-fi password from the kids). After all these years, it’s time to kick back, breathe in the fresh air, and figure out what people actually do on vacation. I have a hunch it involves marshmallows and skipping rocks across the lake.

We’ll be back, refreshed and possibly a bit sunburned, on September 18th—ready to serve you and share stories about how I forgot to pack something important at least twice. Thanks for your continued support, and we’ll see you soon!

Take care and be safe!


PS – if you need to get hold of us, text our store mobile number (626)775-7254 or leave us a message to the right of this page.

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The Value of Letting Go: Selling Your Coins to a Coin Store

photo of family selling their coin collection

Parting with a collection of coins can be a deeply personal decision, filled with memories, history, and often a bit of reluctance. Each coin has a story. Coins can be rare finds from years of searching or sentimental items inherited from a loved one. Deciding to sell these treasures is never easy. For many, turning to a coin store is a choice that brings peace of mind and a sense of closure.

When you walk into a coin store, you have stepped into a space filled with expertise and understanding. The people behind the counter aren’t just dealers; they’re caretakers of history with a deep appreciation for the coins you bring in. Moreover they see beyond the metal and the minting, recognizing the value in each piece. Coin stores offer a fair and knowledgeable assessment of what your collection is truly worth. It’s not just about the price, above all, it’s about respecting the legacy of the coins and the care you’ve put into keeping them.

There’s something reassuring about the immediacy of the process. The world of coins can be intricate and overwhelming. A true coin expert simplifies the experience. Here, you have a simple transaction—no waiting, no uncertainty, just a straightforward exchange. The moment you decide to sell, you receive cash in hand, providing a sense of finality that’s both practical and emotionally comforting. You don’t have to deal with the unknowns of online sales or the anxiety of finding the right buyer. In a coin store, you know exactly where your coins are going. You are assured your coins and jewelry are handled with the care they deserve.

Selling to a coin store is also about finding convenience in an otherwise complicated process. In other words, there’s no need to navigate the complexities of auctions or the risks of selling online or meeting strangers in strange places. You avoid the pitfalls of scams and unreliable buyers, knowing that you’re engaging with professionals who value your time and your collection. It’s a simple, safe, and secure way to let go of something precious.

In addition, it’s not about selling an entire collection. Perhaps you’re just looking to part with a few pieces, testing the waters, or maybe you’re not sure about the value of what you have. The flexibility offered by a coin store means you don’t have to make all-or-nothing decisions. Whether it’s a single rare coin or a handful of them, you’re welcome to sell as much or as little as you choose. This makes the process feel less daunting and more in tune with your personal journey.

The guidance you receive in a coin store can be invaluable. If you’re unsure about selling, their advice can provide clarity. They understand the emotional weight behind each coin and can help you decide what’s best, whether that’s holding onto a piece a little longer or letting it go now. They can offer insights into market trends and future values, helping you make a decision that feels right both financially and emotionally.

In the end, selling your coins to a coin store is about more than just the transaction. For instance, finding a place where your coins are appreciated and have the respect they deserve. It’s about finding peace in letting go, knowing that you’ve made the right choice for yourself and your collection.

At the Coin Exchange of West Covina, we see a lot of estate coin collections, carefully curated collections and more. We are sensitive to your needs and understand it is not always about “cashing in” as much as it can be about letting go. You are never pressure you to sell your coins. We are here to evaluate your collection, and make a good faith offer based on the current market value. We buy coins, jewelry, silverware, and all items gold and silver. If our offer is not to your expectations, we will offer suggestions on how to sell your collection privately.

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A Superior Way to Sell your Coins to a Galactic Super-Star and Make Money

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, amidst twinkling stars and swirling nebulae, our intrepid protagonist, Clancy Spaceman floated in his trusty space suit, a gleaming lightsaber at his side. This wasn’t just any ordinary day; today was the day to sell his precious silver coins to a renowned coin dealer in space.

The adventure began as he navigated his starship towards the bustling intergalactic trade station, Orbital Bazaar 9. The station was a hub of activity, where traders from across the galaxy gathered to buy, sell, and barter his treasures. As the ship docked, Clancy took a moment to admire the array of alien vessels and the vibrant market below. With a confident flick of his lightsaber, he secured it to his belt and stepped into the station.

The first step in his journey was to prepare. Silver coins in space might seem like a niche market, but here, among collectors from countless planets, they were highly sought after. Our hero had spent weeks researching his collection, meticulously cataloging each coin’s origin, rarity, and condition. The coins weren’t just valuable metal; they were relics of ancient Earth, a planet shrouded in mystery and legend in the far reaches of the galaxy.

With his collection securely stashed in a specially designed anti-gravity pouch, Clancy made his way through the bustling corridors of Orbital Bazaar 9. Neon signs in various alien languages flickered overhead, and the air buzzed with the chatter of countless species. Finally, Clancy reached his destination: Zog’s Emporium of Exquisite Collectibles.

Zog, the legendary coin dealer, was a large, tentacled alien with an impressive array of magnifying lenses perched on his head. He was known throughout the galaxy for his expertise and fairness. As Clancy entered the shop, the bell above the door emitted a soft, otherworldly chime. Zog looked up, his eyes widening in interest.

“Ah, a fellow collector! What treasures have you brought me today?” Zog’s voice resonated warmly through the translator device.

Clancy carefully opened the anti-gravity pouch, revealing the shimmering silver coins. Each coin caught the ambient light, reflecting a dance of glimmers that seemed to tell stories of Earth’s rich history. Zog’s tentacles moved with surprising delicacy as he picked up the first coin, examining it closely through his lenses.

The appraisal process was fascinating. Zog’s knowledge was vast, and he shared intriguing anecdotes about each coin’s era, adding a layer of narrative to the cold, hard facts. It was like watching a space historian come to life, and our hero couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and wonder.

Once the examination was complete, Zog leaned back, his tentacles curling thoughtfully. “These are extraordinary pieces,” he said, his voice tinged with genuine admiration. “I can offer you a fair price, but remember, I too must make a profit to keep this emporium afloat among the stars.”

Clancy had anticipated this and had a rough idea of the coins’ value. The offer was good, but there was room for negotiation. With a friendly yet determined tone, he engaged in a bit of interstellar haggling. Zog appreciated the back-and-forth, and after a few moments, they struck a deal that felt fair and satisfying.

With a handshake that felt like a bond formed across the galaxies, the transaction was complete. Clancy left Zog’s Emporium with a lighter pouch but a heavier wallet, and a deep sense of accomplishment. As he walked back towards his starship, he couldn’t help but smile. The journey of selling his silver coins had been an adventure filled with history, knowledge, and the thrill of intergalactic commerce.

Back aboard his ship, he secured the credits in the safe and took a moment to gaze out at the infinite stars. The lightsaber hummed softly at his side, a reminder that even in the vastness of space, the past and present could collide in the most unexpected and exciting ways.

If you ever happen to be on Earth, you should stop by and sell your coins to the Coin Exchange of West Covina where Zog works when he is in town.

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Strike it Rich! A Wonderful Awesome Time to Sell Your Jewelry

woman happy to sell her old jewelry

Gold is about $2,400 an ounce! In the treasure chest of life, sometimes we find ourselves with bits and pieces of gold that are no longer in fashion or serve no purpose. Maybe it’s an old, broken necklace, a lone earring that lost its mate, or a gold watch that’s stopped ticking. But don’t let these odds and ends collect dust! Selling scrap gold can be both fun and profitable. Here’s how to turn your golden scraps into a golden opportunity! Sell your jewelry today and cash in.

1. The Hunt for Hidden Gold

First things first, it’s time to play treasure hunter! Go through your jewelry boxes, drawers, and any other nooks and crannies where gold items might be hiding. Look for anything made of gold, even if it’s broken or outdated. Don’t forget to check for old dental gold (yes, really!), coins, and even gold-plated items, which can sometimes be sold for a decent price.

2. The Golden Rule: Know Your Gold

Before you rush to sell, it’s important to know what you’ve got. Gold comes in different karats, which indicate its purity. The higher the karat, the more gold content it has. Common karats include 10K, 14K, 18K, and 24K. Look for stamps or marks on your items, but be aware that not all genuine gold pieces are marked. If you’re unsure, a jeweler or gold buyer can test your gold for you.

3. Weighing in: How Much Gold Do You Have?

To get a rough estimate of how much your scrap gold is worth, you’ll need to know its weight. You can use a kitchen scale for a rough estimate, but for more accuracy, a jeweler’s scale is best. Gold is typically weighed in grams or troy ounces, with 1 troy ounce equaling approximately 31.1 grams.

4. The Price of Gold: Check the Market

Gold prices fluctuate daily based on market conditions. You can find the current price of gold online or in financial news. Remember, the price you see is usually for pure gold (24K), so if you have lower karat gold, the price will be less.

5. Choosing a Buyer: The Golden Decision

Now comes the fun part—choosing where to sell your gold. You have several options:

  • Local Coin Stores: Just sell your jewelry to the Coin Exchange of West Covina. Sure we’re biased, we’ll admit that. But we pay top dollar for your scrap gold! We weight, test, and calculate everything right in front of you while you wait.
  • Jewelry stores: How often have you heard of people bringing in their jewelry only to have their item taken to the back for “testing?”
  • Pawn Shops: Pawn shops don’t pay well for anything.
  • Online Gold Buyers: Takes a while to get paid and might get lost in the mail.

6. Closing the Deal: The Final Exchange

Before you sell, make sure you understand the terms. Ask about fees, how the gold is weighed, and how you’ll be paid.

7. Celebrate Your Windfall!

Once sell your jewelry and other scrap gold, it’s time to celebrate! Whether you’ve made a small fortune or just a bit of extra cash, it’s a win. Maybe treat yourself to something special, invest in something new, or simply save it for a rainy day.

Selling scrap gold can be a surprisingly enjoyable experience, combining the thrill of a treasure hunt with the satisfaction of turning something old into new opportunities. So go ahead, dig out those dusty pieces, and see what treasures await!

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Silver Saver Program

Silver Saver program

The Coin Exchange will help you avoid the sales tax in California

In the state of California, bulk bullion sales of $2,000 or more are non-taxable. Meaning no sales tax on silver and gold over $2,000. This is hard to do on a budget. We have a fix for that.

The Silver Saver program allows you to layaway silver and pay over time. When you have paid $2,000 or more, you take delivery of the silver you bought. Take up to six months to pay. If you choose to take your silver early, you simply pay the sales tax and take away your bullion. This is a trial program. Come in to discuss the details.

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Why Stacking Silver Might Just Save You in the Apocalypse

stacking silver for the upcoming zombie apocalypse

A case for stacking silver

Throughout history, silver has been prized for its beauty, versatility and it’s usefulness as an exchange of value. From the legendary exploits of the Silver Surfer to the iconic imagery of pirates hoarding their plundered silver coins, there’s no denying that stacking silver adds style and sturdiness to events of whimsy or calamity. In a world where the only certainty seems to be uncertainty, your friends (and enemies) are preparing for the apocalypse.

While some stockpile canned goods and ammunition, others are stacking something a little shinier – silver. The age-old precious metal has always claimed a foundational role as a savior in the face of impending doom. But why silver, you ask? Let’s dive in. We’ll look at the reasons to buy silver from the amusing to the very practical reasons why stacking silver might just be your ticket to survival when the world as we know it goes g’bye bye.

  1. Barter Brilliance: Picture this: society has collapsed, and the economy as we know it is a distant memory. In this scenario, your collection of Bitcoin might not be worth a single byte, but that shiny silver coin in your hand? It’s suddenly the hottest currency on the block. When the grid goes down and cash becomes obsolete, silver becomes the ultimate bargaining chip. Need food, water, or even a makeshift shelter? Whip out some silver, and watch as your survival odds increase faster than you can say, “Apocalypse Now.”
  2. Zombie Deterrent: Forget about crossbows and chainsaws; silver might just be the distraction you need to lead away the undead horde. While there’s no scientific evidence to support silver’s efficacy to attract zombies, they are known to have a keen eye for shiny objects. What’s shinier than a stack of silver bars glinting in the moonlight? It might not be foolproof, but hey, desperate times call for creative measures.
  3. Post-Apocalyptic Bling: Let’s face it; just because the world is ending doesn’t mean you have to let your style suffer. Enter silver jewelry – the ultimate accessory for the discerning doomsday prepper. Whether it’s a pair of silver earrings to complement your makeshift armor or a chunky silver bracelet to assert your dominance in the wasteland, nothing says “I’m ready for the end of days” quite like a touch of silver sparkle.
  4. Silver Linings Playbook: In the midst of chaos and despair, sometimes all you need is a glimmer of hope. And what better way to find it than 10 ounce silver bars lined in the vest of your jacket. You might as well line your vest with silver instead of Kevlar – it’s just as effective and you won’t have to worry about carrying silver and Kevlar. Just make sure not to spend any of that silver…unless it’s on Kevlar inserts. You know what? This isn’t foolproof. Your mileage may vary.

While the idea of stacking silver to survive the zombie apocalypse seems absurd, light-hearted doesn’t mean ill-advised. We don’t know what could happen. If the grid goes out, or a natural disaster that overwhelms emergency services you need to already be prepared. “Experts” say you should have six months of savings in case of emergencies. I think you should have six months of everything accessible and close. Cash is a depreciating asset – silver is not. Plus, I can grab it at any time even if all the banks are closed.

You’re never going to be “ready” for the bad things that hit you – but if you have prepared – you can barter with bandits, distract the undead, or simply add a dash of flair to the end of the world. Silver just might be the unexpected hero you never knew you needed.

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Squeeze the Hidden Value out of Your Scrap Gold:

We Buy Gold We Buy Scrap Gold Scrap Gold Buyer

Why Selling Scrap Gold to us is the Smart Choice

In today’s overpriced world of $8 cereal and $5 gas, many of us possess items of value without even realizing it. Chief among these is scrap gold. Whether it’s old jewelry, broken pieces, or forgotten heirlooms gathering dust, these items hold potential for a substantial return. At the Coin Exchange of West Covina, we specialize in unlocking this value and turning your scrap gold into cash. Here’s why selling to us is the smart choice:

  1. Transparency and Trust: We understand that parting with your precious metals can be daunting. That’s why we prioritize transparency and trust in every transaction. Our team provides clear explanations of the valuation process, ensuring you understand the worth of your scrap gold.
  2. Fair and Competitive Pricing: Unlike pawnshops or less reputable buyers, we offer fair and competitive prices for your scrap gold. Our pricing is based on up-to-date market rates and the precise assessment of your gold’s purity and weight. You can trust that you’ll receive the best value for your items.
  3. Convenience and Accessibility: Selling your scrap gold to us is convenient and hassle-free. With a convenient location just two blocks north of the 10 freeway, paired with efficient and well-trained staff, we make it easy for you to turn your gold into cash. Also, we can be a bit entertaining from time-to-time.
  4. Expertise and Professionalism: Backed by over 60 years of experience in the precious metals industry, our team consists of experts who understand the nuances of gold valuation. You can rely on our professionalism and attention to detail to ensure a smooth and efficient selling experience.
  5. Environmental Responsibility: By selling your scrap gold to us, you’re not only benefiting financially but also contributing to environmental sustainability. Recycling gold reduces the need for environmentally damaging mining practices, making it a responsible choice for both your wallet and the planet.
  6. Prompt Payment: We understand the importance of timely payment. Once the valuation process is complete and you accept our offer, we can offer cash or check that you can deposit without delay.
  7. Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed: At the Coin Exchange, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to exceed your expectations at every step of the selling process. From initial inquiry to final payment, we’re committed to providing a positive and rewarding experience for our clients.

If you’re sitting on a pile of scrap gold, now is the time to sell and use that cash for whatever you want or need. By choosing to sell to the Coin Exchange, you’ll benefit from transparency, fair pricing, convenience, expertise, environmental responsibility, immediate payment, and guaranteed satisfaction. Don’t let your scrap gold collect dust any longer—turn it into cash today with the Coin Exchange of West Covina.

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We’re a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)

The Coin Exchange of West Covina is proudly certified by the Small Business Administration as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). Looking to support a local veteran owned small business? You found us!

Coin Exchange of West Covina is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)

The soldier’s heart, the soldier’s spirit, the soldier’s soul, are everything.” George C. Marshall

Choosing to do business with a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) is not just about fulfilling procurement requirements; it’s about investing in a partnership that brings unique advantages. By partnering with an SDVOSB, you are not only supporting the brave individuals who have served their country but also tapping into a pool of talent and expertise honed through military service. SDVOSBs often bring a level of discipline, leadership, and problem-solving skills that are unparalleled in the business world. Their commitment to excellence, forged through military training and experience, translates into a steadfast dedication to delivering high-quality products and services on time and within budget.

Furthermore, working with an SDVOSB opens doors to opportunities for diversity and inclusion. As government agencies and corporations seek to diversify their supplier base, partnering with an SDVOSB demonstrates a commitment to supporting underrepresented groups in the business community. Moreover, many contracts and procurement programs offer incentives and set-asides specifically designed to encourage partnerships with SDVOSBs, providing a competitive edge for businesses seeking government contracts. Ultimately, by choosing to do business with an SDVOSB, you not only gain a reliable and skilled partner but also contribute to a more inclusive and supportive business ecosystem.

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Gold Maple Leaf coins on sale

1 ounce gold Canadian Maple Leafs at $2,176.00 each.

Prices are not guaranteed because of extraordinary market movement for March 4th 2024. Please call if reading this another day (626) 332-5455

Embodying Canadian Excellence: The 1 Ounce Gold Maple Leaf Coin1 ounce gold Maple Leaf coins

Elevate your investment portfolio with the timeless allure of the 1 ounce Gold Maple Leaf coin. Crafted with precision and pride by the Royal Canadian Mint, these coins stand as a beacon of stability and prestige in the world of precious metals. Each coin bears the iconic maple leaf design, a symbol of Canada’s natural splendor and unwavering reputation for quality. Struck from .9999 fine gold, these coins represent the pinnacle of purity and refinement, making them a trusted choice for discerning investors seeking to safeguard their wealth. Whether as a symbol of national identity or a symbol of financial security, the 1 ounce Gold Maple Leaf coin shines bright as a cornerstone of any investment strategy, promising enduring value for generations to come.

Step into the world of exquisite craftsmanship and unparalleled purity with the 1 ounce Gold Maple Leaf coin. Minted by the prestigious Royal Canadian Mint, these iconic coins stand as a testament to Canada’s rich heritage and commitment to quality. Each coin features the iconic maple leaf design, a symbol of national pride and natural beauty. Struck with precision using .9999 fine gold, these coins boast exceptional purity, making them highly sought after by collectors and investors worldwide. With their intricate detailing and flawless finish, 1 ounce Gold Maple Leaf coins encapsulate the essence of Canadian excellence, offering both beauty and value in every gleaming ounce.